Ab 1949 bei Sampson Low. Die Serie führt vor allem die
englischsprachigen und japanischen Verkaufslisten für
kleinere Kinder an. Im Englischen sind ca. 90 Büchlein
erschienen, in Deutschland (erschienen beim Franz Schneider
Verlag) hatte Noddy dagegen keinen nennenswerten Verkaufserfolg.
Es sind wohl nur fünf Bände erschienen
In Japan und England dagegen war Noddy ein voller Erfolg; es
kamen sehr viele Spielzeuge und andere Merchandising-Produkte
auf den Markt.
- Noddy entdeckt das Spielzeugland (Little Noddy goes to Toyland)
- Noddy löst ein Geheimnis (Hurrah for Little Noddy)
- Noddy liebt sein kleines Auto (Noddy and his Car)
- Noddy fängt den Dieb (Noddy has an Adventure, 1958)
- Noddy - Gute-Nacht-Geschichten
- (Noddy in the Land of Spells and Top Speed the Golly, 1970)
- (The Big Noddy Book (1/8))
- (The Big Noddy Book (2/8))
- (The Big Noddy Book (3/8))
- (The Big Noddy Book (4/8))
- (The Big Noddy Book (5/8))
- (The Big Noddy Book (6/8))
- (The Big Noddy Book (7/8))
- (The Big Noddy Book (8/8))
- (Here Comes Noddy Again)
- (Noddy and Big Ears have a Picnic)
- (Noddy has a Shock)
- (Noddy has more Adventures)
- (Noddy goes off to the Seaside)
- (Noddy off to Rocking Horse Land)
- (Noddy Painting Book)
- (Noddy's House of Books)
- (A Tale of Little Noddy)
- (Noddy and Big Ears)
- (Noddy and the Withch's Wand)
- (Noddy Colour Strip Book)
- (Noddy goes to School)
- (Noddy's Ark of Books)
- (Noddy's Car gets a Squeak)
- (Noddy's Penny Wheel Car)
- (The New Big Noddy Book)
- (New Noddy Colour Strip Book)
- (Noddy and the Cuckoo's Nest)
- (Noddy at the Seaside)
- (Noddy Cut-Out Model Book)
- (Noddy gets Capured)
- (Noddy is Very Silly)
- (Noddys Garage of Books)
- (How Funny You Are, Noddy!)
- (Noddy and the Magic Rubber)
- (Noddy's Castle of Books)
- (Noddy in Toyland)
- (Noddy meets Father Christmas)
- (You Funny Little Noddy!)
- (Be Brave, Little Noddy)
- (A Day with Noddy)
- (Enid Blyton's Book of her famous play Noddy in Toyland)
- (Enid Blyton's Noddy Playday Painting Book)
- (Noddy and his Friends)
- (Noddy and Tessie Bear)
- (Noddy Nursery Rhymes)
- (The Noddy Toy Station Book 1)
- (The Noddy Toy Station Book 2)
- (The Noddy Toy Station Book 3)
- (The Noddy Toy Station Book 4)
- (The Noddy Toy Station Book 5)
- (Do Look Out, Noddy!)
- (Noddy and Bumpy Dog)
- (Noddy's New Big Book)
- (My Noddy Picture Book)
- (The Noddy Shop Book 1)
- (The Noddy Shop Book 2)
- (The Noddy Shop Book 3)
- (The Noddy Shop Book 4)
- (The Noddy Shop Book 5)
- (Noddy's Own Nursery Rhymes)
- (Your're a Good Friend, Noddy!)
- (A.B.C. with Noddy)
- (Noddy and Bunkey, 1959)
- (Noddy goes to Sea)
- (Noddy's Car Picture Book)
- (Cheer Up, Little Noddy!)
- (Noddy Goes to the Fair)
- (Noddy's One, Two, Three Book)
- (Noddy's Tall Blue Book)
- (Noddy's Tall Green Book)
- (Noddy's Tall Orange Book)
- (Noddy's Tall Pink Book)
- (Noddy's Tall Red Book)
- (Noddy's Tall Yellow Book)
- (Mr. Plod and Little Noddy)
- (Noddy's Toyland Train Picture Book)
- (A Day at School with Noddy)
- (Noddy and the Tootles, 1962)
- (Noddy and the Aeroplane)
- (Learn to Count with Noddy)
- (Learn to go Shopping with Noddy)
- (Learn to Read About Animals with Noddy)
- (Learn to tell the time with Noddy)
- (Noddy and his friends)
- (Noddy Treasure Box)
- (Noddy and his Passengers)
- (Noddy and the Magic Boots)
- (Noddy and the Noah's Ark Adventure Picture Book)
- (Noddy in Toland Picture Book)
- (Noddy's Aeroplane Picture Book)

Die Produktionsfirma Cosgrove Hall Production Ltd. produzierte 1994 eine Puppenserie, die in Deutschland auf Nickelodeon und in Großbritannien auf BBC ausgestrahlt wurde. Wiederholungen sind mir nicht bekannt.